Data Services
Make your data work for you. Intelecom’s Intelligent Network Infrastructure lets you save money while providing data services you require. Make high level of data efficiency yours to enjoy.

Private Line
Centrex Service Delivers a fully managed communication solution that enables you to strike the essential balance between telecommunications maintenance, monitoring and the management of your business. Leveraging Intelecom’s infrastructure and equipment investments, expertise and on going upgrades allow you to sustain industry-leading telecommunications technology and service while maintaining a focus on your core competencies.

Business IP
Business IP Service combines the flexibility and the intelligence of IP routing with the transport quality of a single high performance network delivering optimum reliability. With business IP you can implement a secure transport environment for a closed user group over a multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) network, extending the reach of your existing enterprise network and enhancing your ability to interconnect new locations simply and efficiently.

Transparent LAN
Transparent LAN service allows you to achieve high levels of efficiency without the need for additional capital investments, networking expertise or management, allowing you to focus on and invest in your core business with transport capabilities that are LAN protocol independent, you can integrate the power and performance needed for one-to-many applications, including email and internet information sharing, regardless of your LAN environment.
Professional Data Services
Data professional service delivers an intelligent and strategic approach to network infrastructure review and assessment. Our goal is to provide the thought leadership and industry expertise required to transform complied data and results into tangible business benefits. Through our review and recommendations, we help you to improve performance, to extend capabilities through new technologies or process, to gain confidence of availability and security and to use technology to maximize opportunities.

ATM Service
ATM Service takes you beyond your existing network capabilities. With one infrastructure able to handle all types of information, you no longer have to rely on separate networks for different kinds of communication. Whether you conduct weekly video conference, transmit medical images or run voice over your data network, you will have low latency and high bandwidth to sustain the critical activities supporting your business.

Frame Relay
Frame Relay Service provides the flexibility and scalability required for global, fast paced business environment. With a focus on speed, low delay and reliability, you get performance you need to make quick, strategic decisions. And you have the ability to shape your network according to changing priorities supporting the diverse array of applications that drive your business and shape your competitive edge.

You are using the Internet to address diverse business requirements. As a result, you need a dedicated access option that provides the speed, reliability and flexibility that your business demands. Intelecom Solutions provides a range of scalable ISDN Internet options to meet your current and evolving access needs. With a choice of speed options ranging from 64 Kbps to 512 Kbps, you can have the speed you require for existing initiatives combined with the ability to grow and scale as your business expands.